Astraea Purification

Astraea Purification is a leading edge manufacturer of high-potency, hemp derived cannabinoid products across the global hemp industry. Looking to rebrand in the fall of 2021, they reached out to me to create a promotional video about their unique and cutting-edge technology used to produce a high-quality cannabinoid distillate. This project was an exciting opportunity where I learned so much about the cannabis industry - and specifically cannabinoid distillate.

We began by discussing the rebrand and the meaning behind the name Astraea, a goddess from Greek Mythology, as well as how to portray their lab in an inviting way instead of a sterile and harsh environment that a lab can be. The ultimate goal of the video was not only to promote the business but also to educate the viewer on the science behind their technology and the people who are making that happen - all of which I believe go hand in hand in hand. We decided to focus more on the people there who are passionate about the work they are doing, which would humanize any space with people and purpose, by framing the video around three team members’ interviews about their role, the technology they work with, and ultimately why they were passionate to be working in the space and in the field they are.

It then came down to filming, which was a fun excursion down to Medford, OR where their lab was based. Meeting the team of people behind a business is always the best part of this video production experience, and learning more about their stories and the highly-skilled work that they are doing was enlightening. At the end of the day, this project was such a fun opportunity, and I definitely learned more about the cannabinoid space that I would have ever thought I would!

Learn more and see the video on their website at

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